About The Program
The Lexington Habitat for Humanity Ambassador Program is designed to give energetic, committed community members leadership experience in support of LHFH in a variety of capacities. Ambassadors serve as liaisons between LHFH and the Lexington community to promote the mission of LHFH to donors, volunteers, homebuyers and others. Ambassadors play an essential role in LHFH’s mission and hopefully will be inspired to become the next generation of LHFH leaders and board members. Ambassadors receive training in the history, mission, and practices of LHFH. Ambassadors have monthly meetings, assist with special events as needed, support fundraising events, participate in volunteer opportunities and recruit new ambassadors. Ambassadors serve two year terms, with the option of extending their service.
Join The Ambassadors!
The 2024 application cycle has opened!
Contact our Volunteer and Events Coordinator at volunteer@lexhabitat.org or 859.252.2224 Ext. 125